I've been feeling pretty sick lately and have been cooped up in my house so on Sunday I decided to take the Bukowski bus tour that I've been wanting to take since I had heard about it. These are pictures from my Bukowski bus tour around Los Angeles.The tour focuses on Bukowski’s great passions: writing, screwing and Los Angeles. The tour shows you the canonical locations of his life and myth: the Postal Annex Terminal where he gathered the material for “Post Office,” the De Longpre apartment where he briefly experimented with marriage and fatherhood, one of his favorite bars and liquor stores, and many other spots. Along the way, you explore the people and ideas that made up the warp and weft of Buk’s rich inner life. This Esotouric bus adventure is hosted by Richard Schave. For more info on this tour and other tours Esotouric offers click here.
P.S. If you can guess where the dark picture with the trees was taken I love you and want to marry you be you man or woman. Evs.
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